Why subscribe?

I used to call my Mum and talk about the World, the Universe and everything every Sunday. Sometimes we’d have really serious conversations about stuff that genuinely concerned me. Other times, our conversations would be more philosophical like “What is a chicken’s first thought immediately after laying an egg?” and sometimes they would be just downright bitchy about people we considered ridiculous - I’m looking at you, Piers Morgan. Now that my Mum is no longer here, I send a note out into the Ether every Sunday instead.

I started Notes From The Valley as a bit of an experiment. I felt like the world had become a tricky place for many people - me included - to navigate. I wanted to connect in with people in a kind of 'checking in' way that I used to do every Sunday with my Mum. 

Nearly two years on , it seems like there’s a lot of people who felt the same, and they’ve signed up to get a note from me once a week.

It’s lovely - though sometimes a little odd, like when I’m on a supermarket or something and someone will approach and want to talk about my chickens or offer an opinion on philosophy or vegetables, or talk about members of their family who might be a bit like mine, or even just to congratulate me on the varied amount of curse words I know.

If you feel like you could be doing with more intrusive thoughts from a big, mouthy, Scottish woman during your weekend, then Subscribe.

Subscribe to Notes From The Valley

Weekly notes from professional show off, chicken keeper and part time grouch, Lynn Ferguson, direct from the San Fernando Valley California, via Cumbernauld . Scotland.


Writer/performer/entertainment mongrel. Co wrangler at Youtellyours.com The Scottish chicken in Chicken Run 1 and 2. Pro choicer all the way.
The other half of YouTellYours.com